Cookie Policy Page

Cookies are essential for enhancing your browsing experience at What is a cookie? It is a text file sent from our servers to your computer. It is stored on your device and consists of specific information that identifies you among other users.

There are three types of cookies, but we only use two of them:

  1. Session cookies are temporary files retaining the information about your preferences at until your browser is open. Session cookies tell our servers if you are signed in and enable you to add items to your shopping basket.
  2. Persistent cookies are kept for future visits so that your browsing preferences could be easily identified. You can delete these files any time (read more below).

We use cookies to:

  • Enable the core functionality of our website: disabling cookies will not let you place an order with us
  • Verify if you are signed in. If you disable cookies, you will have to sign in each time the page reloads
  • Make the online chat communication possible
  • Store your preferences
  • Use Google Analytics and other tracking systems to improve our website
  • Enable the sign-up process and commenting

Manage your cookies at any time

You can disable cookies at any time, but we cannot guarantee that our service will function properly in this case. Learn more about managing cookies for your browser:

For additional details about cookies and their functionality, visit